(828) 222-3685
We've Moved!
While maintaining the same dedicated staff and trusted phone number, we are excited to announce that we've moved to a new location. We look forward to seeing you at 22 Arlington St, Asheville, NC 28801 soon!
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Carla & Company
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Carla & Company Real Estate Services|22 Arlington St, Asheville, NC 28801|(828) 222-3685
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Tarleton Walmsley
2 months ago
We loved working with Jessica Auge at Carla & Co! Jessica helped us navigate a difficult commercial lease issue, as well as helped us find a bigger, better place for us to continue running our business. Forever indebted to...
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Seth Connelly
3 months ago
If you are looking for a commercial real estate agent in Asheville, you would be doing yourself a disservice not to work with Jessica Auge and the Carla Co. team. She know the ins and outs of the commercial landscape. As a...
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Gospel Ice Cream
3 months ago
As a first-time business owner looking for a commercial space to lease, working with Jessica was invaluable. From our first introductory call where she explained the process, through site visits, lease negotiations, and...
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Mark F
3 months ago
Jessica did an awesome job helping us find a new office. She worked closely with us for months and was a helpful advisor through the entire process. I would highly recommend this team.
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Saeah Wood
3 months ago
Really enjoyed working with Jessica Auge! It was my first time leasing commercial space, and she really made the process simple and easy. I'd definitely work with her and her team again.
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Acountquality Verifed
5 months ago
Important Notification Your page may be scheduled for permanent removal because we've received multiple reports that your page violates our terms of service and community guidelines. 1. Copyright violation when using images,...

Commercial Real Estate In Asheville, NC

At Carla & Company Real Estate Services, we are committed to providing a seamless and enjoyable real estate experience for all our clients. Our experienced, client-focused professionals are dedicated to maximizing the benefits of your commercial real estate journey. We pride ourselves on conducting thorough research and considering long-term asset performance to ensure your success. Let us help you with your commercial real estate needs, including buying, selling, leasing, and consulting. We're here to support you from start to finish in your commercial real estate journey. Contact us now to explore your commercial real estate options in Asheville, NC.

What We Offer

  • Commercial Real Estate
  • Buying
  • Selling
  • Leasing
shaking hands documents on table
contract with a small model of a business building
person signing documents
commercial building

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